Thursday, May 1, 2008

Anastasia Drachuk

My name is Chris. My wife's name is Iryna. Iryna and I live in Chicago, Illinois. Here in Chicago, we have a friend, Jara (pronounced "Yah-ra"), who has a cousin, Anastasia Drachuk, who lives in Kiev, Ukraine. This is Anastasia pictured on the left. Anastasia is a beautiful, vibrant 4 year old girl. Several weeks ago, she was diagnosed with the ALL form of Leukemia. Her mother is not able to afford the related, overwhelmingly expensive medical costs, and the quality of free medical services in the Ukraine does not equal the level of care and treatment required to battle Leukemia. Anastasia's mother has asked our friend living in the US to try to raise money to enable Anastasia and her mother to afford the necessary costs of treatment for Anastasia.

We are asking for ANY donations from ANYONE in ANY amount. 100% of all donations will be sent every week to Anastasia's mother via Western Union. We will not deduct the Western Union money transfer fees, or any other processing costs, from donations made to Anastasia; we will pay those fees ourselves.

Shortly, we will be posting a link to a PayPal account that we will setup to facilitate the donation process. If you are reading this, and are considering making a donation, but are worried that this is not a legitimate request, we would be happy to provide anyone with additional information substantiating out cause. To anyone that is considering making a donation, but does not want or understand how to use PayPal, please email us and let us know how you would prefer to make a donation to Anastasia.

Please, please help us raise money for Anastasia. She is young. She can beat Leukemia. Please help us prevent lack of money prevent Anastasia and her mother from conquering this disease.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us.

Thank you.


dana said...

i will be waiting for a details of a paypal account..would be interested to make some donation for nastja,

Anastasia Drachuk said...


Thank you so much for offering your support. We have posted the PayPal account link at the top of the blog, but we are awaiting account approval. As soon as the account has been approved, we will make another post letting everyone know that the PayPal account is ready for donations. Also, we will be posting weekly donation totals, as well as the total overall. We will also post (scanned) pictures of the receipts for money being sent so everyone can see that the money is going back to the Ukraine to Anastasia and her mother.

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Title: Pathology